The Law Office of Jillian Yanes, P.A.
Bilingual Attorneys/Abogados Bilingue

What challenges do immigrant children face in school?

Moving to another country means changing your life. You will be in an entire new home, community, surrounded by strange culture and a different language. While you already have a lot to worry about, you will probably worry most about your children. They will face a lot of their own obstacles while doing their best in school.

You and your children are not alone. One out of every four children in the U.S. is an immigrant, or born of immigrant parents. There are an estimated 1 million undocumented children in the U.S., making up about a third of all immigrant children. These kids face unique challenges that their classmates and teachers might not understand.

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The Law Office of Jillian Yanes, P.A.
2668 Airport Pulling Road, South
Naples, FL 34112

Phone: 239-449-0325
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